Saturday, July 12, 2014

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Ah cheap oakley sunglasses means that after the ' Shenzhou nine ' Flying, an online ' rumors Posts '. When we again turned the attention of aerospace, began to turn up online that a popular posts : God nine one kilogram of fuel $ 20,000, totaling 450 tons, God nine oil money 63 billion. In addition, China free educational needs 60 billion. Micro Review : coverage, can not afford housing, can not afford to eat rice, afford to go to school slaves Azusa Star Past also be considered a qualified amateur astronomers. So, put some words do not convey frame -like, but it is easy to see Azusa star confines want to say that one : Posts on alleged oil money 63 billion, with thunder beads showing the energy value, do not belong to the real data.

Just think, the price is even higher than China 's Russia, to carry out a number of space travel - space tourism on the rich at their own expense, have each paid only 2000-40000000 dollars. Russia's poor for some time, and NASA less electricity, the electricity sector dared to oakley store power, in total disregard and space experiments under way. So, there is no money to make things, Russia is absolutely quit. Send millionaire from space travel fees, you can launch a spacecraft launched every anti absolutely can not spend 630 million ( less likely that we simply fuel costs data ).

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