Thursday, November 6, 2014

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Kong Jeong will one arm of government troops to see their big break, suddenly has a panic, initially recalcitrant horses collapsed ray ban sunglasses outlet also tried, but when you see these soldiers as successive avalanches general collapse, knew hopeless situation, while cursed exploration of unknown things Zhenqi, while standard battalion guarding so sunglasses sale sunglasses sale from the battlefield. How could Kong Zhen Shi Ran would be so easy to run away, sunglasses sale convinced ringleader of the reason, from the war together, sunglasses sale Ching has been staring at the hole where the flag will be handsome, repeatedly led his troops toward the hole where Jung will launch in the military onslaught, is now looking at government troops have been routed, stone Ran is riveted to the location of the holes will be located Zhen, while the rest of the government troops ordered to divide our forces chase, while a leading independent men are trying to escape from the battlefield toward the hole Ching will.

Stone wanted to be captured alive hole Jung Ran will, life really did not think this guy is not good enough, after being knocked off his horse, but was hit first horse, followed by being stepped on horses, plus body panels are not strong, three in addition to two under five so seeing what actually want to hang out, then go up the stone Ran had bitterly ray bans online knife chop the head, ending the suffering of sunglasses sale, and then continue to kill government troops launched troops to begin the defeated troops. One war down, less than a day, the stone will be solved hole Jung Ran will be ten thousand horses, and nearly wiped out this Chuzhou soldiers, but unfortunately sunglasses sale troops a little lacking, but a limited number of cavalry, and ultimately kill the dark withdraw troops when about three percent or so government troops fled the battlefield, some of these defeated troops fled Dingyuan, while others pass straight Sizhou, in short, is to be back in Chuzhou a few.

Liu Yao present this time of Anqing House surprise war can be said once again created a miracle Junjun history of criminal days, in heavy rain among the three days the rain emergency line three hundred years, suddenly appeared in Anqing Tainan, the fight official a surprise, simply do not organize any effective resistance, they fell swoop captured Anqing House. When the news reached Nanjing, is already present after Liu Yao Anqing House was tackled on the third day, thescared stunned, killed sunglasses sale sunglasses sale can not think, xingtian army would actually make such outrageous things, easily put along the Yangtze River in Anqing very important to control the government in the sunglasses sale hands, so sunglasses sale not neglect seeing this day the weather began to clear, he quickly sent Dingqi Rui hastened the government rushed to Jiujiang, Jiujiang House sits order the Bing Han, US light immediately marched down the river, recover Anqing House, expelled from the House of Anqing captured this Zeijun, another yellow teeth will have the power to go Chuzhou from the complex, making it five thousand soldiers rushed Chizhou Chizhou collar, while the West Anqing government offensive play, with South Korea, the United States regained the light Anqing House.

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